Hammer & Hand is a metal & jewellery collective based in Hobart, Tasmania and Bangalow, New South Wales.
September 20, 2013
Posted by Bruce Pringle
“This Fallow Year”..Update
So this week I forged a couple of 200mm oars.. and have been #Sand-Casting a bunch them in Bronze for three #Dream-Boats that I made from clay last week at home in the Garden .. Beautiful time !… I was also making some ‘Triple B’ female form pieces (Belly,Bums,Boobs?) for a collection titled “Ascension” ..(they will have rocket fins or wings, plasma cut , gold-leafed of made of wire or forged.. not sure..All the clay models are masters, to be sand-cast in Iron at a local foundry. I forgot to photograph the oars but here are some of the clay pieces nearly ready for casting…
One of them is a Rolly-Poley girl…sigh..
August 28, 2013
Posted by Bruce Pringle
News Flowers ready to find new homes. By Richard Martin.
These flowers are forged, fabricated and brazed. they look great when they get rust patina or you can oil or wax them for an interior finish.
August 21, 2013
Posted by Jen Banks
Must be time for some new earrings
Haven’t I just been the tardy one? Certainly as far as blogging goes anyway!
A peek at some of the earrings I’ve made since my last post
August 13, 2013
Posted by Julian
Custom pendant for an opal
A customer brought in a beautiful opal triplet that her father had given her and asked if I could set in a pendant. I offered up a few designs and she liked on this one..
August 12, 2013
Posted by Bruce Pringle
Tattoo Swallow
This little swallow was carved first in wax.. then a bronze sand cast taken from that .. then made that cast into a master and cast 3 more.. “Oh what FUN! he said, waving his wooden leg”
The bottom bird of the three is the Wax..the left hand top bird on the brick is the ‘master’ and the other the first cast and there is one in the ‘boxes’ (just poured)
August 8, 2013
Posted by Bruce Pringle
Scroll Over and Anchor Up…
Got the hang of the ‘Tattoo Heart n’ Scroll’ ..
Anchors are somewhat more tricky but with a bit of clean up… (he understates)
August 7, 2013
Posted by Bruce Pringle
Tattoo … Heart and Scroll
I have cast larger bronze pieces in the past using #Lostwax and #SandCasting in #Greensand and after running out of #Cuttlefish I thought I might look into small scale Jewellery castings in sand… Julian had mentioned a casting system using a product called #Delft Sand but the price of the sand (an Oil sand) is a bit steep for me so I went hunting up some fine sand and Bentonite to make a greensand.
I acquired some fine #Zircon sand and #Bentonite from a ceramic supply place … Mixed it at 5% Bentonite and made a couple of flasks out of square steel tubing.. (Thanks Ben Beames for the method from years ago !)
So I want to make a few Brooches based on classic Tattoo Art and I’v shaped a ‘master’ using “Sculpy” .. a polymer clay ..
Well !! .. Steep learning curve ..Again!.. and the last 3 of 8 attempts have been successful ! The pictures here include a bit of the process.. and the finished brooch will be able to be engraved with a message.. ie: MOM…. TROO LUV … ROVER… KEVIN… ABBOT .. MURDOCH..????
July 26, 2013
Posted by Bruce Pringle
#Cuttle-fish cast #Thylacine #TasmanianTiger /
925 Sterling silver …
and .. messy Friday bench…
July 25, 2013
Posted by Bruce Pringle