Hammer & Hand is a metal & jewellery collective based in Hobart, Tasmania and Bangalow, New South Wales.
March 19, 2021
Posted by Bruce Pringle
For years, I have been intending to cast a Bronze Pen-annular Brooch… In the past the Annular and Pen-annular brooches that Ive made have been in forged steel or of late (Ha!.. the last 20 years or so!)… in forged Stainless steel. These forgings have largely been contemporary designs of my own and when I started making them, pretty unique in the world till the advent of the internet.
This brooch is more traditional and with the Briar thorns, brings to mind the Hero Prince in the “Sleeping Beauty” tale….. Though I imagine Brere Rabbit, of the Uncle Remus tales, wearing one on his best coat!
So I have made a few and include some “process” pictures here with the finished Brooch.
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