Hammer & Hand is a metal & jewellery collective based in Hobart, Tasmania and Bangalow, New South Wales.
June 17, 2019
Posted by Bruce Pringle
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Hammer & Hand Jewellery & Metal Collective Byron Bay members are presenting their annual exhibition of new works.
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flux | fl?ks | noun1 [mass noun] the action or process of flowing or flowing out: the flux of ions across the membrane. • Physics the rate of flow of a fluid, radiant energy, or particles across a given area. • the amount of radiation or particles incident on an area in a given time. • the total electric or magnetic field passing through a surface. 2 Medicine an abnormal discharge of blood or other matter from or within the body. • (usually the flux) archaic diarrhoea or dysentery. 3 [mass noun] continuous change: since the fall of the wall Berlin has been a city in flux | the whole politicalsystem is in a state of flux. 4 a substance mixed with a solid to lower its melting point, used especially in soldering and brazing metals or to promote vitrification in glass or ceramics. • a substance added to a furnace during metal-smelting or glass-making which combines with impurities to form slag. verb [with object] treat (a metal object) with a flux to promote melting. ORIGIN late Middle English: from Latin fluxus, from fluere ‘to flow’.
Ph: 040 99 606 14
www.facebook.com/HammerandHandByronBayinstagram @hammerandhandbyronbay
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