Hammer & Hand is a metal & jewellery collective based in Hobart, Tasmania and Bangalow, New South Wales.
January 19, 2014
Posted by Bruce Pringle
Navigator 1 & 2
These pieces are inspired by the Pacific Islander Sailors of the Marshal Islands who navigate using ancestral knowledge handed down by means of “Stick Maps” .. These are made from small sticks and Cowrie shells , bound together with palm fiber.. These Maps indicate wave direction, currents,Wind and more … They watch birds and if they are carrying food in their beaks or claws, then they are journeying home to an island..They watch the horizon just befor dawn to spot a glow in the sky , indicating the first light of the sun reflecting on land below the horizon .. My pieces are ‘bone boats with wings or other means of propulsion that are ourselves (we understand in our bones the directions we need to travel)
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